Welcome To BIG G Group Temporary Site
  Big G Group ,LLC 07/27/2024 2:58am (UTC)


Hello Guest ,

Big G Group ,LLC is a Group of Different Entities, Systems & Teams all over the Globe Serving Customers in a variety of Fields Mainly IT & Telecom with the Sole interest of being the Customer BackBone to conduct business in a friendly & result oriented environment.

We Have Enabled this site to keep The Connection with our Online Community  while renovating the Main one .

Please Feel Free to send us your Comments , Questions & Feedback and do not forget to sign the Guestbook 

Big G Webmaster

'keep it Simple & Green ... '

"We are confident that by exercising leadership, restoring trust and by working together we have the opportunity to put our global economy, our markets and lifestyles, our livelihoods and security, and, ultimately, our planet on a sustainable path."

The Green Imperative
Business for Environment Global Summit, Paris, 2009 

  Site Pages

copyright 2010 Big G Group ,LLC www.bigg.tel
  Time is Money
  Higher Your Voice
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  Our Aim
To ' Empower Your Vision...'
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